Expert to know: Preston Powell (Q&A Interview)

August 22, 2023

Preston Powell is the CEO at Webserv (based in Irvine, California), listed on 50Pros as a top 50 firm in Digital Marketing, SEO, and Paid Ads & SEM.

In this Q&A, Preston shares his in-depth perspective, unique background, robust experiences, and insightful tips.

How did you get into your industry?

I got into the industry through my passion for starting new ventures and my love for digital marketing. It all started when my childhood friend, Kyle McHenry, and I decided to combine our interests and expertise to establish Webserv. With a humble office in Costa Mesa, CA, we began our journey with just two employees, focusing on clients in the healthcare sector.

Over time, we have carved out a remarkable niche for ourselves, not only by diligently serving the healthcare industry but also by excelling in research and strategy within our field.

What inspired you to start your agency?

The inspiration to start our agency stemmed from our experiences within the addiction treatment and mental health treatment industries. Having firsthand knowledge of how these industries operated, including billing procedures and knowing individuals undergoing treatment, we became aware that there was a better way to facilitate people's access to treatment.

We saw an opportunity to empower treatment centers with innovative solutions that would not only differentiate them from others but also address the complex challenges they inevitably encountered. Witnessing the potential to make a meaningful impact in these sectors, we were driven to establish our agency and create positive changes within the healthcare landscape.

What activities or hobbies outside of work do you enjoy that help you recharge and stay creative?

Outside of work, I find immense joy and relaxation in riding dirt bikes. When I'm not in the office or working from home, I make it a point to head out to a nearby track and indulge in some thrilling dirt bike riding. It's an activity that allows me to unwind and clear my mind, helping me recharge my energy and stay creative.

One of my favorite experiences is getting together with friends and heading out to Glamis, where we can ride around the dunes.

What do you like most about your industry?

What I love most about the healthcare industry is the opportunity to collaborate with people who genuinely care about their patients, providers, or consumers. It's incredibly fulfilling to be able to jump on calls with individuals who share the same core goal of making a positive impact on the lives of others. The sense of purpose and dedication in this industry makes a huge difference, and it's truly rewarding to work alongside individuals who are passionate about their work and the well-being of those they serve.

Building relationships and partnerships with like-minded individuals adds an extra layer of fulfillment to the work we do, and it keeps me motivated to continuously strive for excellence in our services.

What do you dislike most about your industry?

"One of the aspects I find most challenging in the healthcare industry is dealing with entities like LegitScript. While I do understand and support the need for strict guidelines in advertising to ensure the safety and credibility of the industry, it can be frustrating at times to have to inform clients that we cannot run ads for them until they become LegitScript Certified.

Although I appreciate the importance of filtering out the ""bad apples"", it can sometimes create hurdles for clients who are genuinely seeking to provide valuable services. Navigating the certification process and explaining the requirements to our clients can be time-consuming and may delay their advertising efforts."

What do you wish people knew about your industry?

While it's true that people often recognize the challenges of healthcare marketing, what I wish they knew more about is our unwavering focus on getting their perfect solution in front of the perfect audience. Our dedication lies in delivering tangible, revenue-focused results for our clients. We don't just aim to generate leads; we strive to position their products or services as the ultimate solution to the specific problems their exact audience faces.

Through meticulous research and strategic planning, we tailor our marketing efforts to resonate with the target audience on a deeper level. We understand the importance of connecting with potential customers in a meaningful way and establishing a strong brand presence in the market.

We want to drive leads that convert.

Can you share a situation where you had to make a tough business decision and the impact it had on your agency?

There was a defining moment when we had to make a tough business decision that had a significant impact on our agency. After a few years of establishing ourselves successfully within the Behavioral Health industry, we saw an opportunity to expand our services into the much larger healthcare industry. We recognized that our team possessed the knowledge and skills necessary to cater to a broader range of clients and sectors, but it meant taking on a considerable amount of additional work and responsibility.

It was a challenging decision because we didn't want to compromise the quality of service we were providing to our existing Behavioral Health clients, who had been the foundation of our agency's growth. However, after careful consideration and planning, we decided to pursue the expansion while still maintaining a strong focus on our Behavioral Health roots.

The impact of that decision has been transformative. Over the years, we successfully serviced clients from various verticals within the healthcare industry, witnessing substantial growth and expansion in our agency. While we ventured into new territories, we also remained committed to serving our Behavioral Health clients with the same level of dedication. This balanced approach allowed us to build a diverse portfolio of clients while retaining the essence of our agency's core expertise and values. Today, we are proud of the progress we've made, and we continue to grow and thrive in both the broader healthcare industry and our strong Behavioral Health foundations.

When you first started, how did you get clients?

When we first started, we were able to secure clients by leveraging the connections we had cultivated from our previous ventures. These existing relationships provided a head start, allowing us to hit the ground running with our new agency, at that point called "Window to Recovery" now Webserv. We capitalized on these connections until we had developed a compelling portfolio that showcased our expertise in web design, SEO, and advertising within the Behavioral Health industry.

As our portfolio grew, so did our confidence and reputation in the market. With a track record of success in the Behavioral Health sector, we expanded our service teams, sales team, and business development team to accommodate the increasing demand for our services. This strategic growth enabled us to reach out to new clients and industries, further solidifying our position as a reputable and capable agency.

...and how do you get clients today?

Today, we continue to employ a multi-faceted approach to acquire clients for Webserv. Our internal sales team and business development team remain instrumental in reaching out to potential clients and showcasing the value of our services.

Additionally, we have made significant investments in our own SEO efforts, which have proven to be fruitful in generating digital leads. By optimizing our online presence and visibility, we attract clients who are actively seeking services in our industry.

Moreover, we are incredibly grateful for the referrals that come in from some of our current clients. These word-of-mouth recommendations speak volumes about the quality of our work and the satisfaction of our clients.

What is your approach to continuous improvement and learning within your agency?

At Webserv, our approach to continuous improvement and learning revolves around fostering a culture of genuine care and dedication among our team members. Right from the hiring process, we prioritize individuals who share a passion for our agency, our clients, and their own personal growth.

Having people who are genuinely invested in the success of the company and their own development creates an environment conducive to continuous improvement. We encourage and support our team members in their pursuit of knowledge and skill enhancement. This might involve attending workshops, training programs, or pursuing certifications relevant to their roles.

Empowering our employees with the freedom to improve their understanding and expertise allows them to take ownership of their growth and contributes to their sense of fulfillment and motivation. By nurturing this culture, we've built a team that is eager to learn and stay up-to-date with the latest industry trends and best practices.

In our office conversations, you'll often find discussions filled with brainstorming on the best strategies and approaches to navigate around challenges. This collaborative exchange of ideas helps us collectively find innovative solutions and fosters a learning atmosphere where everyone benefits from each other's experiences and insights.

What is the biggest issue that your firm, or firms like yours, face?

One of the biggest challenges that our firm, and many other agencies like ours, face is the need to wear multiple hats. As the CEO, I often find myself juggling various responsibilities across different departments to ensure the smooth functioning of the agency.

From jumping on sales calls and conducting SEO audits to working on web applications and crafting high-performing ad copy, I must be involved in numerous aspects of the agency's operations. While this hands-on approach allows me to stay connected with the various facets of the business, it can also be demanding and overwhelming at times.

As the CEO, I must also address complex issues that arise, which require stepping back from the day-to-day tasks and taking a broader view of the agency's direction and growth. This balancing act of handling operational tasks while simultaneously providing strategic leadership can be both challenging and rewarding.

To mitigate these challenges, we continuously work on optimizing our workflows, delegating tasks to capable team members, and enhancing internal processes.

How do you stay updated on the latest technologies and tools relevant to your industry?

To stay updated on the latest technologies and tools relevant to our industry, we have cultivated a community of thought leaders within our workforce. Our team members have their preferred sources of information, ranging from LinkedIn, Twitter, and YouTube to articles and various other platforms. Regularly engaging with these channels ensures that we are exposed to the latest and greatest strategies and ideas in our field.

One aspect that sets us apart and contributes to our success is our proactive approach. Rather than simply being reactive to industry changes, we strive to be proactive and stay ahead of the curve. For instance, when we recognized that Google was emphasizing helpful content through its E-E-A-T (Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness) policy, we didn't wait and watch for the impact on SEO results. Instead, we took the initiative and experimented with different approaches to align with Google's guidelines.

By actively implementing strategies that cater to Google's E-E-A-T policy, we were able to achieve impressive results for our clients. Being proactive in adopting the latest best practices and technology helps us maintain a competitive edge and deliver exceptional services to our clients.

What changes have you seen occur since you got into this business?

Since getting into the healthcare marketing business, we have witnessed a continuous stream of changes in the industry landscape. These changes primarily revolve around how solutions can be marketed, the target audience for marketing efforts, and the measures taken to protect sensitive information.

One of the notable areas of change has been search engine policies. Platforms like Google have introduced policies like YMYL (Your Money or Your Life) pages and E-E-A-T (Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness) guidelines. These changes have influenced how websites and content are evaluated and ranked in search engine results. Google's emphasis on prioritizing high-quality, trustworthy, and authoritative content has challenged marketers to focus on providing valuable and reliable information to users.

Another significant change in healthcare marketing has been related to advertising policies. For instance, LegitScript has become a prominent player in verifying the legitimacy of healthcare-related advertisers. This shift has brought more accountability and transparency to the industry, ensuring that only credible and ethical advertisers can promote healthcare products and services.

Moreover, the focus on privacy and data protection has led to changes in tracking technologies and user data collection. Stricter regulations and increased user privacy concerns have prompted marketers to adopt more responsible and compliant practices when it comes to data collection and targeting.

What changes do you foresee occurring in the future?

In the future, I anticipate witnessing further changes in the healthcare marketing landscape, similar to what we have observed in recent times. One of the key trends that I expect to continue is the increasing emphasis on data protection and user privacy. As people become more aware of the value of their personal information, there will be a greater demand for stricter regulations and measures to safeguard user data. Companies like Google will likely continue to prioritize user protection and combat malicious intent, which could lead to more stringent advertising policies and content guidelines.

For healthcare marketers, navigating these changes may become more challenging. Adhering to evolving regulations and ensuring compliance with data protection laws will require constant vigilance and adaptation. Healthcare marketers will need to find innovative ways to reach their target audience while respecting privacy concerns and upholding the highest standards of transparency and trustworthiness.

Despite the potential challenges, the reward of helping people live better lives through valuable healthcare solutions will make the efforts more than worth it.

Who do you see having a competitive edge in the future?

In the future, companies with a competitive edge will excel in various areas. They will harness the power of data analytics, prioritize a customer-centric approach, and demonstrate adaptability and innovation. Ethical and transparent practices, a focus on sustainability, and a diversified digital presence will also play key roles. Investing in employee development, agile decision-making, collaborative partnerships, and a strong brand identity will further set them apart. Success will be achieved by those who innovate, prioritize customers, maintain ethical standards, and remain adaptable to market changes and opportunities.

These forward-looking businesses will build strong customer relationships, provide personalized solutions, and prioritize data privacy and user protection. By embracing sustainability and forming strategic partnerships, they will expand their reach and appeal to environmentally conscious consumers. A skilled and motivated workforce will drive their progress, and they will make informed decisions swiftly to stay ahead of the curve. With a compelling brand identity and effective communication, they will stand out amidst fierce competition. The competitive edge in the future belongs to those who continuously evolve and meet the changing needs of customers and the market.

If a company was looking to hire your firm, or a firm like yours, what questions should they ask themselves as a team before approaching you?

Before approaching our firm, or any similar agency, a company should ask themselves several crucial questions as a team to ensure the right fit for their marketing and business goals. First, they should evaluate if the agency aligns with their specific marketing objectives and can offer the expertise needed to achieve those goals effectively.

Secondly, it's essential to assess the compatibility of the team members who will be in direct contact with the agency. Since communication will be frequent, establishing a good rapport and shared understanding is vital for a successful partnership.

Another critical consideration is the level of reporting provided by the agency. Companies should inquire about the frequency, detail, and clarity of the reports to ensure they receive the necessary insights and performance metrics to make informed decisions.

Additionally, understanding the agency's clientele composition is essential. Companies should inquire whether the agency primarily services small businesses, large enterprises, or a mix of both. This insight will help determine if the agency has experience working with businesses of a similar scale and complexity.

While these questions provide a helpful starting point, the best approach is to hop on a call with someone from the agency's team. By engaging in conversations with potential partners, companies can get a feel for their approach, culture, and values, which is crucial in making an informed decision.

When a company is interested in hiring your firm, how should they approach you and how should they do business with you?

When a company is interested in hiring our firm, the best approach is to reach out to us directly through our website, email, or phone. We welcome inquiries from potential clients and are eager to learn more about their business needs and objectives.

In doing business with us, we believe in fostering a collaborative partnership. We see ourselves as an extension of our clients' teams, working together towards shared goals. The more actively engaged our clients are in the process, the better we can leverage our skills and expertise to deliver exceptional results.

While we can provide great outcomes with a more passive approach, the real magic happens when we work closely with our clients. By actively collaborating, sharing insights, and aligning our strategies, we can maximize the impact of our marketing efforts and achieve remarkable success together.

We value open communication and encourage our clients to share their visions and ideas so that we can tailor our services to meet their specific needs. Our approach is centered on teamwork, trust, and mutual understanding, ensuring a fruitful and rewarding partnership for both parties involved.

How do you maintain strong relationships with clients to ensure long-term partnerships?

Maintaining strong relationships with clients to ensure long-term partnerships is built on a foundation of transparency. At our firm, transparency is a guiding principle in our client relationships. We provide detailed reporting that showcases the results of our marketing efforts, the strategies we implement, and the progress we achieve. By sharing this information openly with our clients, they gain a clear understanding of the value we bring to their business.

We encourage our clients to reciprocate transparency by sharing any concerns or aspects that may not be optimal for them. Open and honest conversations are essential in understanding their evolving needs and ensuring that our strategies align with their goals.

In addition to being transparent, we also value the opportunity to provide our insights into our clients' marketing ideas. This collaborative approach fosters a sense of partnership, where both parties contribute to finding the best solutions and strategies.

The combination of transparency, open conversations, and great results cultivates strong relationships with our clients. Many of our clients have been with us for well over a year, which is a testament to the trust and mutual understanding we build.

If someone were thinking about starting their own agency in your industry, what advice would you give them?

If someone were thinking about starting their own agency in the healthcare marketing industry, I would emphasize two key pieces of advice. Firstly, be truthful and genuine in your approach. Building trust with clients is crucial in an industry where skepticism about marketers exists. Demonstrate integrity, deliver on your promises, and prioritize the best interests of your clients to establish strong and long-lasting relationships.

Secondly, make sure to thoroughly learn the policies and regulations governing healthcare marketing. The industry comes with a myriad of challenges, and clients will want assurance that you are well-versed in legal and ethical practices. Staying up-to-date with the latest regulations and compliance requirements will help you navigate potential obstacles and provide a secure and reliable service to your clients.

By adhering to these principles and maintaining a commitment to honesty, professionalism, and regulatory compliance, you can lay a solid foundation for a successful and reputable agency in the healthcare marketing industry.

What role does networking play in growing your agency's business?

Networking plays a crucial role in growing our agency's business. Both digital and in-person networking are fundamental in generating leads and establishing a strong presence within the verticals we serve. Through various networking efforts, we connect with potential clients, industry professionals, and community members, allowing us to showcase our expertise and build lasting relationships.

For instance, this year, we organized our first golf event, bringing together current and prospective behavioral health clients. Such events provide an excellent platform for prospective clients to engage with our current clients, as well as our leadership and employees. This interaction fosters trust and credibility, allowing potential clients to gain insights into our services and the positive experiences of our existing clients.

By hosting networking events and actively participating in digital networking spaces, we position ourselves in the spotlight of the industries we serve. This exposure enhances our agency's reputation, expands our reach, and increases our opportunities for new business partnerships.

How do you ensure that your team members stay motivated and engaged in their work?

Ensuring that our team members stay motivated and engaged in their work is a top priority for us. One of the key ways we achieve this is by hiring individuals who genuinely care about our organization, our clients, and their own personal development. When team members have a strong sense of purpose and passion for their work, it naturally fuels their motivation and dedication.

Additionally, we foster a culture of continuous learning and growth within our agency. We encourage our team members to take ownership of their development and provide opportunities for training, workshops, and skill enhancement. This empowers them to take charge of their career paths and stay engaged in their professional growth.

Open and transparent communication is another vital aspect of keeping our team members motivated. We encourage regular feedback and discussions, where everyone's opinions and ideas are valued. Recognizing and celebrating their achievements and contributions also boosts morale and keeps the team engaged in their work.

Do you have any facts, statistics, or figures about your firm or the industry as a whole, that you would like to share?

In 2022, our SEO clients saw 111,594,189 impressions and 3,634,831 clicks

What else would you like to publicly share about your firm or agency?

As an Agency, we take great pride in our dedication to delivering exceptional results for our clients in the healthcare marketing industry. Our team consists of passionate individuals who genuinely care about our clients, their success, and the impact our services can have on their businesses and their audience.

We strive to be at the forefront of industry trends and best practices, continuously learning and adapting to changes in the healthcare marketing landscape. By staying informed and proactive, we can provide our clients with innovative and effective strategies that drive real, sustainable growth and revenue.

Transparency is a core value in our agency-client relationships. We believe in open communication, providing detailed reporting, and welcoming feedback to ensure that our clients are fully informed and involved in the marketing strategies we implement.

At our agency, we view our clients as partners in our journey to success. By collaborating closely with them, understanding their unique needs, and tailoring our services accordingly, we create long-lasting and mutually beneficial relationships.

Ultimately, our mission is to make a positive impact on the healthcare industry and contribute to our clients' growth and success. We are committed to being ethical, responsible, and trustworthy in all aspects of our work, and we look forward to serving and partnering with businesses that share our values and aspirations.

We would love to highlight our Healthcare SEO Blog that we recently updated. We go in-depth about the 7 core pillars for growth in 2023. You can view it here:

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